Would You Send a Text Message to Win Tickets to a Basketball Game?

 16343Lauren Johnson of Mobile Marketer describes Golden Warrior’s mobile marketing strategy in her article Golden State Warriors enlists mobile for fan engagement posted on January 25, 2013. The NBA team from Oakland, CA is using a combination of mobile, digital and social marketing initiatives to connect with sports fans this season.

The recent mobile “White Out” campaign on Jan. 2, promoted on social media as well as traditional marketing, invited fans to send a text message to win tickets to the home game. Golden Warriors’ fans sent 4023 text messages (with 2999 unique ones) to win tickets for a home game!

The question is to learn how to keep text message conversation going in the long term. Once a participant sent a text, he or she was prompted to subscribe to the team’s updates via mobile in return. Only 21% of participants opted out, which means that the team successfully grew its mobile fan database. With mobile becoming the more prominent source of information, Warriors are on the right track to engage more fans.