
Ticket Information

Mary Poppins

Performances are November 1st, 2nd, 8th, 9th 2024 at 8PM and November 3rd and 10st, 2024 at 2PM

Tickets may be purchased via email & Venmo. Email and pay via Venmo (@avarsmith118). Tickets must be paid to secure reservations 24 hours in advance.  -You will receive a confirmation email once payment is received. -Please bring a confirmation email to the box office on the date of the performance. Doors open at 7:30 PM for and 8:00 PM curtain. -Seating is general admission (no assigned seats).
  -If you choose to not reserve tickets, you may purchase your ticket on the evening/day of the performance by CASH or CHECK ONLY.  Tickets are limited therefore reservations are advised. All tickets are non-refundable.

Ticket Prices

General Admission



Student (valid ID)



SJU Faculty & Staff



Senior Citizen



Children (under 12)



SJU Student (valid ID)

