Meet the Executive Board

Presidential Suite

Jacob Peifer and Luca Berenato make up our Presidential Suite serving as the President and Vice President, respectively. Jacob and Luca can be contacted through their emails listed below.

Jake Headshot

Jacob Peifer '25



Jacob co-founded the SJUIC in the Spring of 2022 and has served as the first President in club history. He’s a double major in Finance and Economics with a minor in Business Intelligence and Analytics. Outside of the Investing Club, Jacob manages his investing education platform "Jacob's Investing Center" and has been involved in various student organizations and programs on Hawk Hill. These include the Co-Op program, Club eSports, and the Haub School of Business Advisory Board. His portfolio consists of a diversified pool of long-term oriented growth and value stocks and includes a small allocation towards swing trading stock options.

Luca Headshot

Luca Berenato '25

Vice President


Alongside Jacob, Luca has been a lifetime member of the SJUIC’s executive board. Originally serving as our Secretary, Luca advanced to the role of Vice President for the 2024-2025 academic year. As an Accounting and Finance double major, Luca prides herself on being a Sutula Accounting Scholar. Luca is also the Accounting Society’s Vice President, while also maintaining active participation in Weekly Service, Dean’s Leadership Program, the Co-op Program, SBAC, and Hawk Hill Productions. Although not actively investing in the stock market, Luca has held shares of Apple since the company split back in 2020.

Finance and Operations

Our Finance and Operations team is made up of the club Treasurer, Secretary, Chief Investment Officer, and Chief Operations Officer. You can contact John, Sarim, Dylan, and Johann through their emails listed below.

John's Headshot

John Letizia '25



Serving as the second Treasurer in our club history, John is a current senior on Hawk Hill. Majoring in Finance, John then chose to pair this with an Economics minor. In addition to his work with the SJUIC, John is also involved in the University City Barbell Club. Leaning towards low-risk stocks, John's portfolio consists of diversified long-term holdings.

Sarim Headshot

Sarim Sharif '25



A senior double major in Business Intelligence & Analytics as well as International Business, Sarim is the SJUIC's Secretary. Building off his interest in the business field, Sarim is a participant in the Student Advisory Board for Marketing and Communications as well as the Business Information and Technology Society. Other extracurriculars include the Appalachian Experience (APEX) and Intramural Basketball. Sarim invests in long-term holdings such as Apple, Tesla, and Google with a desire to dive deeper into swing trading.

Dylan Headshot

Dylan Flynn '25

Chief Investment Officer


The SJUIC's Chief Investment Officer, Dylan, is pursuing a double major in Machine Learning/Artificial Intelligence and Physics, while also being actively involved in various groups on Hawk Hill. Dylan serves as the Vice President of the Business Intelligence and Technology Society and is a member of Beta Gamma Sigma and Sigma Pi Sigma, two honor societies for business and physics, respectively. He is also heavily engaged in undergraduate research, dividing his time between the Innovation Lab, the SDG Dashboard project, and the Accounting Department. Dylan's portfolio primarily consists of long-term investments, with a portion allocated to short-term stocks and options based on technical analysis.

Johann Headshot

Johann Varghese '25

Chief Operations Officer


Senior Johann Varghese serves as the SJUIC's Chief Operations Officer, double majoring in Finance and Machine Learning. Not only does Johann sit on the SJUIC executive board, but he's also involved in the Accounting Society, Economics Society, and Real Estate Society. Johann's portfolio consists of a majority of ETFs along with mutual funds and select individual stocks. He prioritizes diversity within his holdings and gears his investments for long-term gains.


The SJUIC Marketing team is comprised of the Director of Social Media and Chief Marketing Officer.

Clare and Will can be reached through their emails listed below.

Clare Headshot

Clare Johnson '25

Director of Social Media


An Accounting major with an English minor, Clare holds the position of Director of Social Media. Besides the Investing Club, Clare is also actively involved in the SJU Writing Center, Philabundance Food Pantry, Hawk Hub, and the Hawk Hill Law Club. Although she doesn't hold any of her own stock, Clare frequently follows the market to stay up to date.

Will Headshot

Will Mikus '26

Chief Marketing Officer


Serving as the SJUIC’s first Chief Marketing Officer, Will has been on the executive board since joining the club his freshman year. As a Food Marketing major, Will also chose to add a minor in Graphic Design. In addition to his role as CMO, Will is also a member of the Food Marketing Association. Outside of campus clubs, he participates in both the Co-Op Program and Study Abroad Program. At the moment, Will holds a variety of ETFs as well as a selection of individual stocks such as Amazon, Exxon, and Microsoft.