The Center for International Programs would like to welcome you back to Saint Joseph’s University! We are eager to see you and hear about your extraordinary experiences, so be sure to stop by our office for a visit. We sincerely hope that you enjoyed your study abroad experience and that you are now ready to share your new global outlook with the rest of the campus community.
Now what?
- Request your overseas transcript
- Schedule your exit interview.
- Complete the on-line evaluation for returning students.
- Plan to attend the annual re-entry event/”welcome back” reception
- Submit your best photo to the CIP photo contest
- Apply for a Peer Ambassador position!
- Submit a Testimonial for your program
- Consider ways to go abroad again.
- Consider attending the Delaware Valley Study Abroad Re-entry Conference, hosted by local universities in the Philadelphia area. This is a great way to learn about international opportunities, connect with student with similar interests, learn how to market your study abroad experience, and consider ways to work, teach, volunteer abroad again!