(Left to Right:) Erin McGrath ’14, Andrew Nguyen ’17, Dr. Sangcheol Song, Dr. Alfredo Mauri, Anthony Parascondola ’15, Gina Raneri ’16, Rob Gilroy ’14, and Dr. John Neiva
On May 6, 2014, the first annual, Create Your Future awards took place in the Wolfington Teletorium. The awards honored students from the Management Department specifically those majors in International Business, LEO, Family Business and Entrepreneurship, and Managing Human Capital.

Dr. Mauri introducing each of the award recipients for the International Business Program.
The ceremony began with light refreshments and then proceeded to award a student from each grade for their achievements this year. For the International Business major, each student was recognized for having the highest GPA for International Business students, their endless list of extra curricular activities, and their exceptional work ethic and dedication to the program. The award recipients were freshman Andrew Nugyen, sophomore Gina Raneri, junior Anthony Parascondola, and senior Erin McGrath. A Director’s Award was given to senior, Robert Gilroy, for his overall dedication, hard work, and accomplishments to the International Business major.
Sophomore recipient, Gina Raneri, commented on the event saying, “It was a true honor to be a part of the first annual Create Your Future awards. It was an amazing feeling to be recognized for our hard work throughout the year and be the first recipients of the award that will be carried on many years to come. It was also enjoyable hearing the great attributes our fellow classmates have and to understand why the faculty decided to give these awards. We have amazing students in the International Business program and this ceremony honored us perfectly.”
The event was a night to be remembered, not only because it was the first annual, but also because of the great faculty, students, family and friends that attended. The room was filled with excitement and enthusiasm as each recipient was called forward. The International Business students are ever grateful of this recognition by the faculty and cannot thank them enough for their support throughout the year. The Create Your Future awards not only showcased the accomplishments of the International Business students today, but also what is yet to come.