About Us

University Student Senate 

The Hawk Will Never Die!


Meaning “more.” We strive for excellence and progress across SJU campuses.

Cura Personalis

Meaning “care for the whole individual.” We seek to improve and expand the academic, mental, and social resources across campuses.

Meet The Senate

Do you know your class senators? Meet the 37 individuals representing you on campus. Do not be afraid to reach out to them for any questions, comments, or concerns you have. We are here to serve our Nest.

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Code of Conduct

Learn about our code of conduct and our expectations for all senators. We strive to make a safe, inclusive environment so all ideas and concerns can be voiced to make our Nest better.

Code of Conduct

“To give, and not to count the cost to fight, and not to heed the wounds, to toil, and not to seek for rest, to labor, and not to ask for any reward, save that of knowing that we do thy will.”

– St. Ignatious of Loyola

Senate Administrative Board

The Student Senate is structured and administered by 5 Secretaries, all of who have unique missions and collaborate with their chairs to assist them in their goals, as stated in the Constitution. With the guidance of the rest of the executive board and the vision of the President, each Secretary is running initiatives across campus to make Hawk Hill a better place for all.

Secretary for Academic Affairs

Oversees all student issues and initiatives pertaining to academic affairs, and maintains ongoing communication between academic leadership and resources on campus.



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Secretary for Student Affairs

Responsible for reviewing all matters affecting the quality of the student environment and life at the University. Communicates with the offices of Public Safety, Residence Life and Dining.

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Secretary for Communications

Acts as a consistent source that conveys reliable information between the faculty and staff to the student body. Oversees Senate’s social media platforms while communicating events and activities taking place across campus.

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Secretary for Diversity, Equity & Inclusion

Responsible for advocating for initiatives and actions that ensure inclusion within the SJU community and especially strive to promote equity and prevent discrimination on the basis of any personal characteristic(s) (i.e. race, ethnicity, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, ability).

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Secretary for Mission

Responsible of monitoring the actions of the Senate to ensure they align with the ideals of the University, find new ways to incorporate the Jesuit Mission into the lives of SJU students, and oversee any Senate service-related initiatives.

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