December Fundraiser

This was an email sent to the members of the SJU Habitat for Humanity Chapter. If you wish to Subscribe Click Here! Click to view this email in MailChimp. 12/10 | 1-4pm | Cardinal Foley Center
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This Saturday (12/10) 1-4pm, stop by our first annual December Fundraiser! Entry is $5 and all proceeds go to Habitat for Humanity in Philadelphia.

Join us for:
– Bake Sale (probably the best one in town)
– Food (and Fondue .. Yum!)
– Multiple Mini-games (with prizes!)
– An awesome time!
– Movies (To get into the holiday cheer)
– Music (Also to get into the holiday cheer)
– Gingerbread House Making Contest. (Winners each get a Chipotle gift card) Registration link below.
– Seriously, an unbelievably awesome time.

Bring your friends!
It will be an amazingly fun day and the more the merrier! Plus there will be a holiday themed photo shot area – so if that doesn’t entice them I don’t know what will!

Bake Sale
We need some help with baked goods. So if you have a talent in the culinary arts (or just know how to preheat an oven to 350) please volunteer to help us! Please Email ( or Text (732-856-1639) Angie Yu and let her know what you can bring! Bring the food to Folley Center sometime between 11-2 and we will waive your entrance fee – but please confirm with Angie first!

Gingerbread House Making Contest
Register ahead of time for this contest! Your team will be given supplies and the team with the best home will each receive a Chipotle gift card. You can sign up in either:
– Teams of 2 $7 early sign up ($10 if you signup day of)
– Teams of 4 $12 early sign up ($15 if you signup day of)
Prices includes your entrance fee – so you can come and hang out at the fundraiser before or after the contest!
Register Here (

** Volunteer to help
We will need some help with the Fundraiser the day of. You can sign up for either the 12-2pm shift or 2-4pm shift. You will help us with either running a game, bake sale table, registration table etc..
Sign Up to Help (

** Christmas Tree Lighting
Be sure to stop by the SJU Christmas Tree Lighting this Tuesday from 5-8 at the Villiger patio. There will be an SJU Habitat table and you can sign up for the Gingerbread House Competition there!

** Share with your friends!
Make sure you say you are coming on our FB event and share it with your friend! Share ( Tweet (
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Learn More about the Fundraiser! (

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