Take a break from studying!
This was an email sent to the members of the SJU Habitat for Humanity Chapter. If you wish to Subscribe Click Here! Click to view this email in MailChimp. 12/10 | 1-4pm | Cardinal Foley Center
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Holiday Fundraiser | TODAY 1-4pm (stop by anytime!) | Cardinal Foley Center
Just in case you were thinking of not going (or you have a friend who doesn’t want to go) Here are the top 3 reasons to go:
1) You are helping a good cause (Habitat for Humanity in Philadelphia (http://ift.tt/2nDXRwQ) )
2) You are taking a break from studying for finals (and almost done classes!)
3) Its a Holiday Palooza! (enough said)
So we will see you today!
Remember, there is a $5 door fee that goes straight to Habitat in PA – it is payable via cash or venmo. Also if you havnt registed for the gingerbread house online you can still particpate in it! Just register as a walk up – it starts at 2pm.
Click the button below to Learn More!
Learn More (http://sju.edu/habitat)
** Share with your friends!
Make sure you say you are coming on our FB event and share it with your friend!
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FB Event (http://ift.tt/2oCKs68)
** See y’all soon!
If you have any questions be sure to email us!
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** (https://www.twitter.com/sjuhfh/)
** (http://ift.tt/2amGNaZ)
** (mailto:habitat@sju.edu)
** (http://ift.tt/2amGeOm)
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