Day of Dialogue: Breaking Barriers and Redefining Leadership
By: Chloe Palm-Rittle ’26
On Tuesday, October 22, 2024, Women’s Leadership Initiative facilitated our second annual session titled Women’s Leadership Initiative: Breaking Barriers and Redefining Leadership at Saint Joseph’s University’s signature Day of Dialogue. Our session aimed to highlight the impact of gender in leadership roles, fostering a space for woman-identifying students to thrive as leaders. From academia to professional settings, we discussed healthy boundaries, imposter syndrome, and how identity intersects with leadership.
This year, we were honored to host an interactive panel discussion featuring five inspiring SJU woman-identifying student leaders, who shared their invaluable perspectives and experiences. These student leaders represented diverse backgrounds, student organizations, and fields of study, yet all have managed to carve out their space on campus and establish themselves as leaders.
During our conversation, we discussed many insightful topics such as building strong support networks as young leaders, growing inclusive communities, and using our positions to mentor young women trying to find their way on their leadership journey.
I think the most salient was the discussion we had about how some feminists may exclude women who pursue more “traditional” roles from the movement because these women are not necessarily breaking barriers or entering spaces women historically have been underrepresented in.
Feminism isn’t about celebrating those with the most awards or highest salary, it’s celebrating the ability to lay claim to futures that are OURS, undefined by anyone else. We can be biostatisticians, English teachers, athletes, journalists, pharmacists, and more. These are all vastly different fields, yet none are inherently less feminist than others.
This is why conversations such as the one we engaged in at Day of Dialogue are so important. Feminist spaces must highlight women from all backgrounds, professions, and spheres of life. Just because a profession is historically male-dominated does not mean it is more valuable or impressive than woman-dominated fields. Within a movement centered on gender equity, we must ensure we are not isolating those with different dreams, values, or definitions of success. True feminism recognizes that every woman’s journey is different and celebrates the freedom to choose a path that is uniquely their own, not based on other’s expectations.
Our Day of Dialogue session reminded me of this essential truth: that feminism must embrace diversity in all forms welcoming women who find fulfillment in family, caregiving, or traditionally female-dominated spaces, just as much as it does those who pursue groundbreaking roles in science, business, or law. By broadening our perspective, we honor the principle that no single career path or lifestyle is the “right” way to feminist.
Women’s Leadership Initiative hopes that by fostering these conversations, we inspire more woman-identifying students at Saint Joseph’s University to lead authentically. We envision a campus where each individual feels valued, where leadership opportunities reflect the richness of our differences, and where all students can feel confident in defining success on their own terms.
To everyone who joined us, thank you for contributing to this incredibly impactful and necessary conversation. We look forward to seeing how you each continue to break barriers and redefine leadership on campus and beyond!