November Monthly Meeting: Role Models: A Panel Discussion
WLI had their third monthly meeting of the 2022-2023 academic year on November 9th. The meeting was on Zoom and was organized by Co-Treasurer, Kelsey Nagar, and Communication Team member, Sheridan Leak. The meeting was moderated by Imani Briscoe, Program Specialist for Inclusion and Diversity Experiential Programming at SJU. The meeting was titled “Role Models: A Panel Discussion”. WLI invited some of their personal role models to be on the panel.
This year’s panel included Mayra Caseres, an engineer and technology planner in the global technology planning organization at AT&T; Regina Donohue, Vice President, head of human resources for Intra-Cellular Therapies, Inc.; Isis Young, Professional basketball player in Europe, College basketball/WNBA Sports Broadcasting, and Entrepreneur through her company, Your World Media Tour.
The meeting began with introductions of our panelists where we learned about their education, employment, achievements, and hobbies. After the introductions, the role models were asked questions relating to the professional world, balancing everything on their plate, and their own experiences with role models. The conversation between the panelists and Ms. Briscoe was exciting and informative for our young and eager audience. Some of the questions asked were as follows: How did you better your career through professional development?; How do you set boundaries at work?; Who are your role models?; What advice do you have for young female identifying people?
Every role model provided unique and personal answers to the questions stated above, which provided the listeners with a vast array of information. Though no answer was exactly the same, many of the role models had similar aspects to their answers. The role models all agreed that networking and putting yourself out there was the best way to grow professionally. They found similarities in finding role models in all parts of life, whether it be work, religious, or personal. They also agreed it is important to take what you learn from your mentor and apply it to others in your life. Finally, the mentors left the audience with some very important pieces of advice. Do not be afraid to ask for help and learn from the adults in your life. Never let anyone limit you, including yourself. Be confident in yourself and your passions.