October Monthly Meeting: “On the Basis of Sex” Film Screening
On October 14, WLI held our second virtual monthly meeting of the Fall 2020 semester. Protégé for Director of Campus Relations, Daniella Campos led a screening of the 2018 film, “On the Basis of Sex,” to celebrate the life and accomplishments of the late Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg.
Though the meeting was held remotely, WLI created goodie bags with popcorn, Oreos, and QR codes for participants. WLI members were able to pick up goodie bags on the day of the screening and enjoy them while watching the movie!
“On the Basis of Sex,” chronicles Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s time in law school and her struggles as an attorney. The film stars Felicity Jones as Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Armie Hammer stars as her husband Marty Ginsburg. The film focuses on a tax case Ginsburg takes on with her husband, focusing on gender discrimination. The case ultimately changes how courts view and rule on gender discrimination and impacts the course of Ginsburg’s own career.
After the screening, WLI members discussed the film, its themes, and the obstacles Ginsburg faced. We also talked about Ginsburg’s groundbreaking life and work and how her fight for gender equality impacts all of us today. Thank you to everyone who joined us over Zoom!