E-Board Spotlight: Kyra Kopacz
Meet Kyra Kopacz! Kyra serves as a member of WLI’s communications team and helps manage and compose posts for WLI’s social media accounts. She is currently a junior political science major, and enjoys attending events hosted by other clubs and organizations on St. Joe’s campus.
Kyra is passionate about politics generally, and is specifically interested in civil liberties and classism. Kyra said, “The events of 2020, already terrible inequality only being worsened with COVID 19, have only heightened my interest.”
Originally, Kyra learned about WLI from her Women in Politics course and later joined the organization.
When asked what she thinks other students should know about WLI, Kyra said women on campus should consider, “ the importance of women and women’s voices in processes that affect them. WLI and opportunities at SJU offer a way to reach this goal of being more involved in these processes.”
After graduation, Kyra is planning to translate her skills and experiences at SJU and in WLI and bring those to a non-profit organization.