October Monthly Meeting: LinkedIN or Left OUT?
On Wednesday October 19, WLI hosted its monthly meeting. This month’s focus was on how to optimize our LinkedIn Profiles, with a presentation from Trish Shafer of the SJU Career Development Center. Familiar WLI Exec Board faces and warmly welcomed newcomers attended in Doyle North Lounge, clustered in groups to share their own tips and tricks with the platform. We had varying experiences with LinkedIn; some with a full, connected profile and some who had yet to create an account. Trish gave us some great tips on how to improve and/or create our profiles, such as:
- Use your SJU email address so long as your personal brand is dominated by your identity of “student”
- Edit your LinkedIn page URL to something cleaner (i.e.: from random letters/numbers to just your name)
- Share your profile with people you trust- ask “what would you think of me based on what my profile looks like?”. Get their honest opinions!
- Use Canva, a free graphic design website, to create an eye catching, personalized banner
- Get friends, classmates, teammates, professors, coworkers, etc. to endorse your skills. This makes an employer more likely to believe the strengths you’ve posted.
- Follow companies/brands you are interested in, you never know what might come across your feed!
- Se sure to connect with SJU and any other academic/professional groups you are in!
- Stay safe and build your own boundaries (i.e.: don’t connect with strangers unless they are in your industry), and be consistent
WLI sends a HUGE thank-you to Trish and the SJU Career Development Center for their valuable time and content. Look out for more professional development programs to come. In the meantime, visit the SJU Career Development Center for more information and assistance!
Connect with WLI on LinkedIn! : https://www.linkedin.com/company/sjuwomenlead/?viewAsMember=true